Car Care 101 For College Students

(NewsUSA) – While some students are dropped off at college by their parents, many more keep vehicles on or near campus. Regular maintenance and service performed back in the hometown or at a

reputable repair facility near campus will keep those wheels dependable.

For some collegians, a vehicle is basically a way back home between semesters, while others use their car more frequently, for regular transportation to part-time work or daily transportation to and from campus. Either way, lack of maintenance can cause inconvenient, and potentially unsafe, breakdowns.

Vehicles that are infrequently used are prone to battery failures, moisture accumulating in gasoline lines, and poor engine performance. Those used for frequent, short trips to and from campus have little chance to warm up thoroughly and can fall prey to premature exhaust system failure and excessive engine deposits that can adversely affect engine performance.

A new Care Guide tells students and parents, in plain, non-technical language, what to do to maintain their vehicle for safety, dependability, and value. Tech-savvy students can order the free guide, published by the Car Care Council, directly from the council’s Web site at

The guide, which can be stored easily in a vehicle’s glove box, explains the most common preventative maintenance procedures and repairs that need to be performed to help keep vehicles operating safely and reliably. It also includes a list of questions to ask when these maintenance or repair procedures are being performed at a repair shop.

A Car Care Checklist is included to remind busy students what vehicle systems need to be maintained and when service or repair should be performed. To further familiarize students with their vehicles, the guide has clear, concise descriptions of 12 major vehicle systems and parts.

Examples include steering and suspension, fuel and air intake, belts and hoses, and more.

Even students who typically depend on their fathers or uncles for car care between semesters or during the summer months will benefit from the guide by learning about the vehicle’s warning systems, service lights, and various symptoms before a breakdown occurs.

The Car Care Council is the source of information for the “Be Car Care Aware” consumer-education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. For more information, visit

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